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Environmental Protection Policy

As a company involved in the operation and management of the Amazon Aluminium Complex in the Amazon region of Brazil, Nippon Amazon Aluminium Co., Ltd. will strive to reduce environmental risks and enhance environmental value for the society as a whole by contributing to the preservation of the global environment and the realization of a sustainable society.

  • We will strive to ensure the continuous improvement of our environmental activities by establishing and periodically reviewing our environmental objectives and targets.
  • We will comply with the laws, regulations, rules, and agreements concerning the preservation of the environment.
  • Through reducing greenhouse gases such as CO2 to prevent climate change and preserving biodiversity, we will strive to minimize the environmental burden of our business and to prevent environmental pollution.
  • We will engage in using efficiently and saving wisely the natural resources such as energy and water, and strive to promote the reduction and the recycling of waste.
  • We will strive to raise and ensure widespread environmental awareness of all of our directors, officers and employees about the compliance with this Environmental Protection Policy by providing appropriate environmental education.
  • We will open this Environmental Protection Policy to the public and will strive to promote activities to preserve the environment through communication with external persons and organizations.